January, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Well no, it's good for feeling fat after Christmas, being cold and hating that all those birthdays will be coming around again, with the cards and presents and banners and bloody balloons, damn it, January is crap. It sits there all optimistic about how this year could be a fresh start. So what has this year got going for it to lord over 2010 like a snotty big brother who won a tenner on the lottery. Lets have a look at the forth coming TV like the spirit of Nostradamus. TV is the reason I started The Radiation Tube and have carried it through the different forms it has taken over the years. So to 2011 well first up and this has already started is CSI: Vegas, the best of the CSI's in my view. Miami has Horatio, who has two talents, taking off his sun glasses and suddenly appearing from nowhere like he is the only person to own a teleporter. New York just seems dull, but I can't say to much because I've never really sat down and watched a lot of it, due to the fact that if I was to watch all the CSI's I wouldn't have time to watch anything else. I'm personally waiting for CSI: London which would feature a group of cockneys trying to stop the rain washing away the evidence from a murder in a beer garden in Peckham. The one program that never fails to attract a fever pitch level of anticipation is Doctor Who. Of course a lot of viewers left with David Tennant but I like Matt Smith he brings the foolish fun aspect back to the Doctor something that Tennant managed to drain towards the end of his shift. It seems River Song is back like curry trapped wind. Don't get me wrong I don't mind the character but if I hear her 'spoilers' catchphrase again I might just have to write a harsh E-mail using the words 'knob', 'bum hole' and 'arse face'. One thing they need to do is to do a good Cyberman story after the complete balls up of that Christmas special with the f**king Cyber king. The Daleks might pop up again but lets hope not they need a rest, the poor pepper pot bastards. There is a new series starting on ITV called 'Marchland', the ads tempt with an almost Twin Peaks style drama but I won't hold my breath. I fear we have all been spoilt by the likes of Lost and 24 and not in the good way but with the over used and tiresome shocking twist, that is as shocking as the sun rise. Also the new series of Sherlock which on paper sounds like a complete nightmare, a modern take on the classic Sherlock Holmes character with that guy from The Office as the good doctor. But in fact it was quite good and I hope Professor Moriarty returns, a great evil mastermind with a camp and crazy side, yeah even as I write this its sounds crap but you will have to trust me and tune in
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